Audio play inspired by life in Millfield

One of the Raising Millfield workshopsOne of the Raising Millfield workshops
One of the Raising Millfield workshops
A brand-new piece of theatre bringing to life the overlooked, the unseen, the ‘did you know’ areas of Millfield in Peterborough will be launched next month.

The walkabout audio play - Raising Millfield - is the work of Peterborough Presents and Eastern Angles and is inspired by the Raising Millfield workshops that were held earlier this Spring.

It will be launched at the Millfield Festival on August 7.

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The walk begins outside the park on Occupation Road where listeners will hear the first episode of the play in their headphones.

Written by Atiha Sen Gupta (Eastenders, Stage Red, Counting Stars), each of the ten episodes were inspired by the story of someone from the area. Collectively, the play creates a rich tapestry of stories that question what it means to live and grow up in Millfield.

The play opens: “Other people have told stories about Millfield but now is the time for Millfield to tell stories about itself...Join us, won’t you?”

And so the audience is taken on a walking tour of the neighbourhood, each stop having its own story to share.

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Raising Millfield will question what Millfield stands for, for whom it can be called home, and what being a Millfield resident means to those who live there. Connecting different communities from this richly diverse area, this walking play is a new way of experiencing theatre and the outdoors.

Audiences will be guided through the audio walking tour in groups. It will then be available online after the festival for audiences to join independently.

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