Burglar caught red handed by shocked Whittlesey man

Michael HutchinsonMichael Hutchinson
Michael Hutchinson
A burglar who was caught red handed by a startled homeowner has been jailed for a year.

Michael Hutchinson, 45, broke into the house in Station Road, Whittlesey, at about 2pm on August 31.

The victim was working from home in his dining room when he noticed Hutchinson peering around the corner of a door in the hallway looking at him. When confronted, Hutchinson said he wanted to ask if the owners wanted their driveway resurfaced. He was escorted from the house.

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The victim spoke to a neighbour and was able to view CCTV from their property which showed Hutchinson acting suspiciously.

Hutchinson was identified from the CCTV images. When he was arrested officers found a small quantity of heroin and a Stanley knife blade.

He admitted burglary, possession of heroin and possession of a bladed article in a public place.

Hutchinson, of no known address, was sentenced on Monday (February 4) at Peterborough Crown Court.

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Detective Constable Tom Hunt said: “A stranger creeping around your home like this is the stuff of nightmares. Hutchinson showed a complete lack of regard for the people at this property and undoubtedly scared them with his actions.

“Burglary can have a devastating impact on victims, which is why tackling it is one of our priorities. We are working hard every day to bring offenders before the courts.”

Today (February 6) the constabulary is taking part in a day of action against burglary as part of Operation Raptor. The day involves a wide range of prevention work, including door-to-door visits by PCSOs and Special constables, giving out advice/materials, crime prevention stands and high visibility patrols, as well as stop and searches in ‘hot spot’ areas.

For online burglary prevention advice visit: www.cambs.police.uk/A-Z/Burglary