Jail for man who punched girlfriend in Peterborough street ‘like Mike Tyson’

Peterborough Magistrates' CourtPeterborough Magistrates' Court
Peterborough Magistrates' Court
A man who punched his girlfriend in the face ‘like Mike Tyson’ will spend Christmas behind bars.

Ryan Woodward (30), launched the brutal assault on his partner in Hargate Way last night.

Today (Wednesday) he sobbed in the dock at Peterborough Magistrates’ Court as he was handed a 34 week jail sentence.

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Giles Beaumont, prosecuting, said it was still unclear whether the victim had suffered a broken nose in the incident.

Mr Beaumont said the victim and the defendant had been in a relationship for about three weeks.

The court heard the couple had been to a friend’s house, and both had been drinking when Woodward ‘flipped’ and threw drink over the wall, leading to the couple to be asked to leave the house.

Mr Beaumont said in the street, Woodward insulted the woman, and told her to get in his car - but she refused, and walked off.

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Mr Beaumont said; “She kicked a bollard, and screamed, because she was so mad about what had happened.

“He grabbed her throat, and punched her once.

“He then pulled her hair and dragged her down the street.

“A witness shouted from the window, telling him to get off her, and invited the victim inside.”

The witness gave a statement to police, and he said: “He swung his fist like Mike Tyson.”

He also described lots of blood coming from the victim’s face.

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Another witness, who also observed the incident from his home said: “He drew his right hand back and punched her in the face. I heard the echo of the impact.”

The court was told Woodward had also snapped his partner’s phone in the incident.

The court heard Woodward was subject to a suspended sentence after assaulting a previous partner - and also breaking her phone.

As part of the suspended sentence, he was ordered to complete the ‘Building Better Relationships’ course - but he had failed to attend the appointments.

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While Woodward denied the offences in police interview, he pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm, criminal damage and breaching the suspended sentence at court.

Jason Stevens, defending, said; “There is real remorse, and he fully accepts his guilt.”

Mr Stevens said the victim had punched Woodward when they were in the house - although Mr Beaumont said there was nothing in the woman’s statement to support the accusation.

Chair magistrate Blyth Morris said: “This was an attack, it was very serious and resulted in very serious injuries, while you were subject to a suspended sentence.

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“Had you completed the Building Better Relationships course, you might not find yourself here.”

Along with the jail sentence, Woodward, of Meadow Lane, Bury, was ordered to pay £1,000 compensation. A two year restraining order, banning him from contacting the victim, was also imposed.