Peterborough teenager was kidnapped and stabbed after gang set up honey trap

Lincoln Crown Court.Lincoln Crown Court.
Lincoln Crown Court.
A 17 year old lad from Peterborough who went into hiding after falling out with a drugs gang was lured out by a 'honey trap' then kidnapped, stabbed and savagely beaten, a jury heard.

The boy moved away Peterborough to stay with a friend in Grantham in a bid to stay clear of the gang.

But he was tracked down and tricked into meeting up with a girl using the name “Tracey-Ann” who contacted him on Facebook claiming to be interested in him.

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Gordon Aspden, prosecuting, told a jury at Lincoln Crown Court that the victim had a troubled background and was involved with drugs while still at school.

“By mid 2016 he was mixing with an assortment of drug dealers, thieves and ne’er-do-wells all of whom were involved in serious crime.

“His daily routine was dominated by drugs. His lifestyle was unstable and chaotic.

“He was operating in a very dangerous and murky world where he was surrounded by those who lived on the very edge of society. It is against that background that the events unfold.”

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Mr Aspden said that at the start of September last year the 17 year old became involved in a dispute with some of his kidnappers and went into hiding at a friend’s in Grantham.

But the group wanted to teach him a lesson and formed a plan to kidnap him and hold him hostage.

“They set up what is referred to as a honey trap.

“The boy was sent a bogus friends request on Facebook which purported to come from a young woman called Tracey Ann who lived in Grantham.

“There was no Tracey Ann. That request had been sent to lure him out into the open.”

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Mr Aspden said the boy was suspicious at first but agreed to meet. Initially he sent his mate who met up with Danielle Corrigan, who purported to be Tracey Ann, and her friend Hayleigh Elstone.

Initially the boy sent his friend to meet “Tracey Ann” and that led to a second meeting outside the Co-Op store in Dysart Road, Grantham.

This time the 17 year old also attended as they approached the meeting place they realised it was a set up and both ran.

One of the lads got away and contacted police but the 17 year old was caught and given a savage beating.

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“He was knocked to the ground and repeatedly kicked and punched. He was stabbed in the backside and attempt was made to spray CS gas in his face.”

The boy was bundled into the back seat of a car and he was handcuffed with leg cuffs placed around his ankles.

He was then driven to Peterborough with his attackers continuing to assault him during the journey.

There he was taken to the flat in Bader Close in the city where, still in handcuffs, he was further assaulted and threatened with being tortured.

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Mr Aspden said “He was subjected to gratuitous violence. It culminated in a brutal assault during which he was slashed across the face with a knife.”

The boy was then transported to another safe house. His aunt was contacted by one of the kidnappers asking for a £5,000 ransom to be paid for the boy’s release.

No ransom was paid and the boy was eventually freed from a third address in Peterborough.

He made his way to a shopping centre and called a taxi to take him to hospital.

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Mr Aspden said “He was found to have a serious injury. He had a slash wound across his face which required 20 stitches. He had a stab wound to his right buttock, numerous cuts and bruises to his face, head and body and several small wounds to his neck.”

Four men from the Peterborough area admitted conspiracy to kidnap between 11 and 21 September 2016. They are Kane Stone, (25), of Meadenvale Road, Parnwell; Adam Couzens, (25), of Bozeat Way, Westwood; Delano McKinsley, (22), of Mountsteven Avenue, Walton; and Mohammed Nazir, (26), of Gladstone Street, Millfield. Stone and Couzens also admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm.

Alan Stokes ,(35), of Bader Close, Peterborough, admitted conspiracy to falsely imprison.

Danielle Corrigan ,(27), of Cumberland House, St Mary’s Court, Peterborough, denied conspiracy to kidnap but was this afternoon (Thurs) found guilty following a trial

All six defendants will be sentenced at a later date.

Taxi driver Umar Rehman, 23, of Parliament Street, Millfield; and Hayleigh Elstone, 22, of Croyland Road, Walton; each denied conspiracy to kidnap and were today cleared by the jury.