Slight drop in crime in Peterborough - but a large fall in number of burglary offences recorded

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There has been a slight drop in crime recorded in Peterborough - but the burglary rate in the city has fallen.

Figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that in the 12 months up to June 2020 there were 20,693 crimes recorded. However, in the following 12 months that fell to 20,507 - a drop of one per cent.

The figures include the second lockdown through the winter of last year.

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During the same period the number of home burglaries in the city fell by 21 per cent, while all theft offences fell by 17 per cent.

However, there has been a significant rise in a number of offences.

The number of drug offences increased by 21 per cent, violent offences increased by 11 per cent - although violent offences with injury fell by 10 per cent - and sexual offences increased by seven per cent.

Stalking and harassment offences increased by 52 per cent.

Across Cambridgeshire crime fell by five per cent overall, with an eight per cent increase in sexual offences, a 21 per cent drop in theft offences, a 33 per cent fall in residential burglaries and a 12 per cent increase in drug offences.