New natural play area to open at Sacrewell

A new immersive natural play area will officially open at Sacrewell Farm and Country Centre on Tuesday, July 2.

Using features of the natural landscape, including the stream and woodland, the play area will encourage children to reconnect with nature through adventure play.

It will be officially opened at 1pm, followed by a celebration near the Grade II* listed watermill with refreshments provided by Origin8. Everyone is welcome to attend.

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The project has been funded by a £50,000 grant from Augean South Ltd following a recommendation from the King’s Cliffe and Thornhaugh Environmental Associations. The William Scott Abbott Trust which operates the visitor centre at Sacrewell contributed a further £15,000.

Engagement manager Nikki Cherry said: “The trustees, staff and everyone involved with the William Scott Abbott Trust at Sacrewell are absolutely delighted that our application to the Augean Community Fund was successful and has enabled us to design an area of natural play, creating a space that children can engage with the outdoors in an adventurous way.”

Sacrewell worked with Earth Wrights Ltd which designed activities that include den and nest building, balance beams, walks and bridges that complement the area, which is located near the popular Pooh Sticks Bridge.

Mrs Cherry added: “There will be significant outcomes from this project, but in particular the impact on children’s enjoyment, learning and wellbeing will be immense. It will be a fun natural space for families to get together, play, splash, climb and spend time together at the farm – something core to us as a charity to promote, inspire and encourage people to do.

“Thank you so much to Augean for supporting this exciting project.”

Sacrewell is open seven days a week from 9.30am to 5pm (9.30am to 4pm in winter).

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