Voters to miss out by a whisker as Beard Liberation Front rule out entering Peterborough by-election

A ballot boxA ballot box
A ballot box
As a queue of political parties line up to contest the Peterborough by-election, one party has pulled out of the running, just hours before the deadline to confirm a candidate.

The Beard Liberation Front (BLF), the informal network of beard wearers, has said that despite local support it has decided not to stand a candidate in the forthcoming Peterborough By-Election.

The BLF is not party political but campaigns for a Beard Friendly Britain. The campaigners say they are concerned that standing a candidate would fragment the vote and, for example, enhance the chances of the clean shaven Brexit Party of winning the seat.

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Instead there will be a campaign to get candidates to sign up to a number of principles designed to promote a Beard Friendly Peterborough.

BLF Organiser Keith Flett said: “We’ve had a hard look at how we can make a positive impact during the Peterborough By-Election. Given we have long standing support in the City it was not an easy decision to opt out of standing a candidate. However we think promoting a Beard Friendly Peterborough will be a more beneficial outcome.”

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