Remember those who have a deficit of both hope and joy

MP for Peterborough Fiona Onasanya EMN-171014-175146009MP for Peterborough Fiona Onasanya EMN-171014-175146009
MP for Peterborough Fiona Onasanya EMN-171014-175146009
Fiona Onasanya, Peterborough MP

“If there are two words that mark the holiday season, they are Hope and Joy: this applies to those who have faith and those without. Joy comes from many sources; for example, it can be due to the presence of our loved ones and from time spent together. Hope is about the future: the belief that times ahead will be better than those that have just passed.

“We should remember those who have a deficit of both Hope and Joy: in particular the homeless and the lonely. We should remember those who are sleeping rough in bitter weather; it’s important to recall that there are far too many who will spend Christmas alone. If you feel the blessings of this season within you, I urge you to do your part to extend them to your neighbours: help clothe the shivering, feed the hungry, visit the isolated, and give what you can to worthy causes.

“I wish you, my constituents, my neighbours, and my friends, whatever your faith or creed may be, all the Hope and Joy this season has to offer. I wish you also a very Happy New Year.”

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