Peterborough bus driver suspended after crash which left Werrington mother battered and bruised

Bus crash at Hodson Ave, Werrington EMN-160303-205122009Bus crash at Hodson Ave, Werrington EMN-160303-205122009
Bus crash at Hodson Ave, Werrington EMN-160303-205122009
A bus driver has been suspended after a crash which left a mother battered and bruised.

Last Thursday’s collision, which also saw a number of bus passengers hurt, left 35-year-old Kelly Newton from Werrington with bruised and cracked ribs and severe bruising to her arm and chest.

The playgroup assistant was driving along Davids Lane, Werrington, to collect Evie (nine) and Max (six) from school when her black Peugeot was hit by the Stagecoach bus emerging out of Goodwin Walk.

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The car was hit on the passenger side and pushed across the carriageway and some distance down Hodgson Avenue, but luckily it did not turn over and a stunned Kelly was able to get herself out.

“It felt like it went on for ages, forever, I was just waiting for the car to stop moving,” said Kelly recovering at home this week and unable to go to work at the Village Playgroup in Werrington.

“I thanked my lucky stars that the car hit the kerb and stopped on the verge but did not turn over.

“I managed to get myself out and just sat myself down. I could see the bus but I was in shock and I never moved.

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“Straight away a man who had seen what happened came over and told me an ambulance had been called. I was in pain and I was struggling to breathe.”

Kelly was taken to Peterborough City Hospital to be checked over and released later that evening.

“I cannot thank them enough for the way they cared for me. They put me on a stretcher in a neck brace, but I knew my neck was alright.”

Kelly has been inundated with well-wishes since the accident but said her children had taken it badly and did not want to go to school and leave her at home.

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“It is heartbreaking, I am looking forward to them being able to hug me again. And I want to be able to take them to school and pick them up, not rely on my friends.”

A Year 9 pupil at Ken Stimpson Community School was also injured in the collision.

A spokeswoman for Stagecoach said the bus driver had been suspended pending a disciplinary hearing.

Cambridgeshire police said an investigation into the crash was ongoing.