Lucky seven for Perry on Horseshoe

Chris Saunders.Chris Saunders.
Chris Saunders.
JVAC split their match at the weekend between the Horseshoe and Four Islands on the Decoy Complex and it wasn't easy on either.

There were, however, some fish to be had on some pegs.

Perry Briggs topped Horseshoe on peg seven fishing a long pole line with pellet, then came Chris Saunders with 35lb 10oz from peg 11 fishing similar tactics.

Over on Four Islands it was Gus Gausden on peg five out in front. He caught on pellet and sweetcorn. In the runner-up spot was Nick Carlton with 34lb 6oz from peg three.

OVER 55s

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The Decoy Over 55s match each Friday has seen a gradual increase in anglers since the turn of the year and more are most welcome.

In the latest match on Six Island it was the in -form Chris Saunders topping the field. He drew peg four and fished a long pole line on 6mm pellet over micros and maggot to put 45lb 11oz on the scales for a narrow win and extend his overall series lead.

Second was Denis Sambridge on peg nine with 42lb 5oz catching carp, barbel and F1’s on the pole and maggot approach. Third place went to Stan Dow with 42lb 2oz.


What a great Drennan Winter League local organiser Tony Evans is running over at Decoy Lakes. The re-arranged round four match saw some fine weights recorded.

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On the individual front James Collinson fishing peg 11 on Six Islands took the honours with a massive 133lb 9oz. He started on the feeder but soon switched to a pole and pellet approach and never looked back netting carp to 8lb.

Simon Parker on hot peg 29 on the Willows caught on the waggler and maggot to take the runner-up spot with 81lb 1oz.

Martyn Freeman was third on 80lb 14oz followed by Andy Leathers with 80lb 3oz.

After four rounds three anglers are joint top of the league on six points - Simon Godfrey, Richard Bond and John Whincup.