Chance to quiz authors of £470,000 investigation into the state of the Cambridgeshire economy

Sir David Arculus.Sir David Arculus.
Sir David Arculus.
Peterborough business leaders will be able to quiz some of the authors about the findings of a major investigation of the county's economy.

Businessman Sir David Arculus, former chief executive of media giant EMAP, and research consultant Daniel Timms helped write the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Independent Economic Review (CPIER), which cost £470,000 to produce.

It makes 14 key recommendations about future decisions to help tackle economic challenges and ensure growth.

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The two will be guests at an Opportunity Peterborough Bondholder business breakfast on October 31 and will take part in a question and answer discussion about the review.

Tom Hennessy, chief executive of Opportunity Peterborough, said: “The scope of CPIER makes it an invaluable resource for decision makers in local government and within the business community.

“We’re proud to be supporting the commission in bringing the findings to Peterborough companies – it’s crucial to have an open and productive dialogue between local government and businesses.

“With these recommendations now published it’s time for Peterborough and Cambridgeshire to take action.

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“I’d urge all businesses to continue to engage with Opportunity Peterborough and the local authority so we can work towards a common goal that results in growth.”

“Whether you agree with the recommendations or feel there are opportunities that could be explored even further, please get in touch.”

The event will take place at KingsGate Conference Centre starting at 7.30am.

To take part visit


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