Dancing for a cause: Peterborough Zumbathon® charity event supporting breast cancer now and papyrus

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On June 30th 2024, dance enthusiasts and supporters of two important causes will come together for a vibrant and energetic Zumbathon® charity event. This special event aims to raise awareness and funds for both Breast Cancer Now, a leading breast cancer research charity, and Papyrus, a UK charity dedicated to preventing young suicide.

For a second year running Penelope Hindson the organiser of this event is embarking on another incredible Peterborough Zumbathon® which includes 3hrs of non-stop dancing, filled with lively music, exciting routines, and a sense of community spirit. Participants of all ages and fitness levels are invited to join in the fun and show their support for these two vital causes.

Penelope said: After the success of last years event which raised over £3,327, it was obvious we needed to do another one this year in the hope of raising even more money for these chosen charities.

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Breast Cancer Now is committed to funding research towards preventing and treating breast cancer, with the ultimate goal of saving lives. By participating in the Zumbathon®, attendees will contribute to this important work and help make a difference in the fight against breast cancer.

Last Year 2023Last Year 2023
Last Year 2023

In addition, funds raised during the event will also support Papyrus, an organisation that works to prevent young suicide and provide support to those who may be struggling with their mental health. Participants will help to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and suicide prevention among young people.

Now, I do have to do a shout out to local publicans Dean and Stacy at the Ye Olde Abbey, one of the oldest pubs in Crowland. In a heart-warming display of generosity, this beloved local pub has stepped up to sponsor our event. With their financial support this has meant that every single penny that is raised through ticket sales, raffle prizes and selling of cakes all goes to the chosen charities.

The Peterborough Zumbathon® will feature 14 local talented Zumba® instructors ready to dance on stage and ensure that everyone has a great time while supporting these important causes. Whether you're a seasoned Zumba® dancer or a newbie looking to groove and move, the Zumbathon® charity event on June 30th promises to be a memorable and meaningful experience. By coming together to dance, sweat, and show support for Breast Cancer Now and Papyrus, participants will be making a positive impact in the lives of those affected by breast cancer and young suicide.

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Not only will there be dancing but we have some amazing raffle prizes (raffle tickets can be purchased on the day) and a delicious selection of cakes to purchase. Every purchase made through raffle tickets and cakes will contribute towards both charities.

Last Year 2023Last Year 2023
Last Year 2023

Don't miss this opportunity to dance for a cause and support these important charities. Mark your calendars for June 30th, 2pm to 5pm, at the Cresset Theatre, Peterborough and get ready to move, groove, and make a difference at the Zumbathon charity event! Let's dance our way towards a brighter future for all.

Tickets are available online through the website: PeterboroughZumbathon2024

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