Every week we highlight the incidents Peterborough's road policing unit attend in the city and neighbouring counties.Every week we highlight the incidents Peterborough's road policing unit attend in the city and neighbouring counties.
Every week we highlight the incidents Peterborough's road policing unit attend in the city and neighbouring counties.

Drivers stopped by police near Peterborough: including driver's lucky escape from serious collision

All drivers stopped by the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Road Policing Unit in the last week.

It took police officers more than one hour remove a driver from a rolled vehicle following a serious collision this week.

The driver was fortunate to escape with only minor injuries.

This was just one of the incidents covered by the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire (BCH) Road Policing Unit this week – the policing unit which patrols Peterborough’s roads.

Other incidents included a driver stopped while driving on a motorway who only held a provisional licence, was not displaying ‘L’ plates and was unsupervised.

The Peterborough Telegraph has compiled a round-up of the images shared on the BCH Road Poling Unit’s social media in the last seven days: