Rotary Corner: Developing skills and talents in the young

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One of Rotary International’s goals is to develop skills and talents amongst young people, either through cooking, public speaking, music, photography, film-making, writing, science, art or the environment.

This year the Rotary Club of The Deepings encouraged an art competition amongst seven local schools, in which dozens of pupils got involved.

According to the club members, there was so much talent on display, it made the judging very difficult indeed.

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Artwork submitted has been on display at Tesco’s in Market Deeping for the past few weeks. Rotarians, along with the Mayor of Market Deeping Bob Broughton and Tesco Manager Mark Honey, rewarded the winners, who received a cash prize and a donation to their school.

Members of the Rotary Club of the Deepings with mayor Bob Broughton handing out the prizesMembers of the Rotary Club of the Deepings with mayor Bob Broughton handing out the prizes
Members of the Rotary Club of the Deepings with mayor Bob Broughton handing out the prizes

First place went to Lily Robinson of Market Deeping Primary School, second place went to Eleanor of Deeping St Nicholas Primary School and in third place Harper Bridges of William Hildyard School.

Also the Rotary Club of Rutland has managed to raise nearly £2,000 for good causes recently, after a special fund-raising opportunity at Tesco’s in Oakham. Rotarian Keith Crellin said: “We must pay tribute to the generous people of Rutland who helped support people less fortunate than themselves, even in these difficult times. Over the last year, thanks to the donations and fund-raising by the club, we have been able to support local individuals in difficult situations, including the Air Ambulance, Leicester and Rutland Land Search & Rescue, Ukraine refugees, a hoist to help young disabled people in Sailability at Rutland Water, and further afield a maternity home in Uganda, and groups caught up in natural disasters through the Shelter Box charity.”

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