Peterborough Business Expo heralded as success as organisers plan for next year's event

Event attracted 130 plus guests

​More than 130 people attended an annual showcase of business in Peterborough.​

Guests from across the region dropped into the Peterborough Business Expo held at the Brightfield Business Hub, in Bakewell Road, Orton Southgate.

The event brought together businesses large and small from right across Peterborough and the county to display their business, services and products.

Organisers Michelle Craig, manager of the hub, said: “It was a great day at The Peterborough Business Expo yesterday here at the Brightfield Business Hub.

She said: “There were 130 plus people here throughout the day.

"There were lots of great companies exhibiting and workshops as well as prize giveaways and Peterborough City Radio.

Among the guests were entrepreneur Mike Greene, who featured as TV’s Secret Millionaire in 2011.

He hosted an open business surgery and was also guest speaker during the day speaking on ‘The 10 Brutal Business Truths that Winners Embrace but Whiners, Watchers and Wonderers Hate.’

Also at the Expo was Nate Lansdell of A Smile A Day Photography.”

Michelle said the Business Expo served as a platform for businesses to exhibit their services and products, showcasing the diverse and innovative offerings that the business community has to offer.

She said that planning was already beginning on staging the Expo again next year.

She said: “I was asked by quite a few of the exhibitors if I was going to be doing it again which I will be in June 2025.”

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